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Some of our investment ideas

Temporary or durable appeasement ?

Date: 28 January, 2019
"Rumors of a G20 tacit pact multiply" A commercial truce has been going on for a few weeks. So far,. . . . Read More

To deal or not to deal…

Date: 24 January, 2019
It only took Shakespeare six words to phrase a universal question. The famous soliloquy of Hamlet is probably the best-known. . . . Read More

Currencies. Contained CPI rebound is supportive for the RUB

Date: 17 January, 2019
The Russian 2018 CPI settled in at 4.3%, exceeding slightly the central bank target. This does not necessarily mean a. . . . Read More

Towards important shifts in 2019 ?

Date: 10 January, 2019
The severe deterioration of financial conditions - say the widening of credit spreads - forced the Fed to consider softening. . . . Read More

Equities. The technological war begins and it will last

Date: 20 December, 2018
The technological war, launched by the United States vis-à-vis China, is still in its infancy and is bipartisan (Republicans and. . . . Read More